January 10, 2024

Yes, They Really Are Taking That Many Photos

A collection of multiple images from one photoshoot, by October Custom Publishing
A collection of multiple images from one photoshoot, by October Custom Publishing
A collection of multiple images from one photoshoot, by October Custom Publishing
A collection of multiple images from one photoshoot, by October Custom Publishing

You know in tv shows when there's a photographer at a shoot - an in-studio fashion shoot - and they are just clicking away, and you look up from your phone for a second, and you think to yourself, "Well, THAT'S just not realistic. How many pictures are they taking?! What is this nonsense?!?"

The answer is: A LOT. For example, in an editorial fashion shoot where we aim to get 8-10 images - a couple of which will be the same outfit - we have averaged 900 to 1100 frames per shoot. After the shoot, the photographer sits down and gets rid of anything unusable or not worth considering. Then we're down to 300-ish. At that point, the art director sits down and makes their selection, and there's usually one or two other people who also need to make their selects. Then, all those selections are put together, and the final selections have to be made from those! It's a long, sometimes tedious, often argumentative process - but totally worth it. However, it's just one part of a much larger, longer process.

You can get some idea of the sheer volume of frames from the image above - which is just a small selection of the images from one photoshoot (which was a fashion editorial for Tribeza magazine, shot in our Austin, Texas studio by Phil Kline).

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