July 25, 2024

More Secret Project Shenanigans

Cropped BTS photos from a secret project photoshoot y October Custom Publishing
Cropped BTS photos from a secret project photoshoot y October Custom Publishing
Cropped BTS photos from a secret project photoshoot y October Custom Publishing
Cropped BTS photos from a secret project photoshoot y October Custom Publishing

I want to share the images we got at this photoshoot so much, but I can't, yet. So here's more behind-the-scenes instead.

A BTS photo from a secret project photoshoot y October Custom PublishingA BTS photo from a secret project photoshoot y October Custom PublishingA BTS photo from a secret project photoshoot y October Custom PublishingA BTS photo from a secret project photoshoot y October Custom PublishingA BTS photo from a secret project photoshoot y October Custom PublishingA BTS photo from a secret project photoshoot y October Custom PublishingA BTS photo from a secret project photoshoot y October Custom Publishing