January 8, 2025

Here Are the Podcasts That Got Us Through 2024: Part Two

Read part one here.

The CultCast is a podcast all about Apple - Apple News, products, rumors, and more. They do talk about other thing s as well. Leander Kahney is the editor and publisher of Cult of Mac, though he no longer appears on the podcast himself. Leander has written for Wired, MacWeek, Scientific American and The Guardian, as well as being the author of six books about Apple, including the NYT bestsellers, Inside Steve’s Brain and Jony Ive: The Genius Behind Apple’s Greatest Products. Erfon Elijah has been the host for as long as I can remember, with an occasional rotation of co-hosts over the years. I think that I have listened to the CultCast longer than any other podcast - possibly since the very beginning back when dinosaurs roamed the earth. It comes out weekly, and also streams live on YouTube the day of recording.

Star Trek: The Next Conversation, is a podcast all about - you guessed it - Star Trek: TNG. Hosted by two television writers, Matt Mira and Andy Secunda, each episode is a review and deep dive into a single episode of either TNG, Voyager, or DS9. Their Patreon content covers more than just Star Trek. I don’t remember exactly when I started listening, but I think it was towards the tail-end of Covid. I pretty much adore anything Trek, and Matt Mira has encyclopedic knowledge of what is happening in front of and behind the camera. Andy Secunda is watching each episode for the first time, so it’s interesting to hear the perspective of a noob versus a diehard fan. Mira also had a baby during the podcast, and hearing him talk about his pregnant wife and then later hearing his son walking around and talking in the background is kinda cool. Secunda is tall. Them both being tv writers (for The Goldbergs, among other projects) gives them both insight beyond the average fan. Five stars!

The Michael Moore Podcast pretty much tells you what it is with the name. Michael Moore has made some of the most impactful and influential documentaries of the past thirty years. His podcast addresses social, political, and economic issues both from his own perspective, and those of his guests when he has them. I found his podcast to be particularly comforting during the peak of the insane Drumpfiness of Covid. Hopefully Moore sticks around for the next four years, because I am probably going to not listen to any mainstream news source while that Cheeto colored, mushroom dick, assistant to Elongated Mollusk, wannabe dictator is still in the news. However, Moore is 70 now (I think), and who knows, he may want to dial it back and live peacefully while he can (before the inevitable apocalypse of stupid).

The 2000 AD Thrill-Cast is a podcast all about the long-running comic book 2000 AD. You might have heard of Judge Dredd, probably the most popular character to come from its pages. I first read 2000 AD when I was able to hold it in front of my face - probably around 1981 or 82. First published in 1977, it’s produced iconic characters, stories, artwork (and artists). I could talk all day about my favorite stories and characters (ABC Warriors, Slaine, Sam Slade, Chopper, Judge Anderson, Mean Machine …. The list goes on). I only started listening in 2024, but so far it’s been great to catch up on this core memory from my childhood. Here is a handy dandy guide to reading Judge Dredd in order.