September 14, 2023
Inspired, Interactive LCARs Design
We've already written once about Star Trek recently, but can't not mention this incredible, LCARs inspired design based on the USS Titan from Star Trek: Picard, season 3. Michael Okuda is the original designer of the LCARs system, which was created for Star Trek: The Next Generation. More recently, Andrew Jarvis was responsible for building on his Okuda's to represent a 30 year advancement in tech for the latest TNG-offshoot.
The designer of this particular tribute to the show, who can be found on X (formerly Twitter … sigh), also has an in-progress version of the LCARs interface from the USS Cerritos, seen on Star Trek: Lower Decks, which is equally amazing. You can also see their work on YouTube.
Each is worth checking out just to see how detailed, intuitive, and in-depth each is. A lot of the controls work, and you can dig down to find different types of information, views, controls, and more. You can find out a lot more about the creator here, and see some of their other projects, which are equally immersive and fascinating.
Below is a graphic guide to their immersive infographic, along with a few screenshots. Live long, and prosper.