September 14, 2023

Inspired, Interactive LCARs Design

A screengrab of an interactive graphic based on the USS Titan from Star Trek: Picard
A screengrab of an interactive graphic based on the USS Titan from Star Trek: Picard
A screengrab of an interactive graphic based on the USS Titan from Star Trek: Picard
A screengrab of an interactive graphic based on the USS Titan from Star Trek: Picard

We've already written once about Star Trek recently, but can't not mention this incredible, LCARs inspired design based on the USS Titan from Star Trek: Picard, season 3. Michael Okuda is the original designer of the LCARs system, which was created for Star Trek: The Next Generation. More recently, Andrew Jarvis was responsible for building on his Okuda's to represent a 30 year advancement in tech for the latest TNG-offshoot.

The designer of this particular tribute to the show, who can be found on X (formerly Twitter … sigh), also has an in-progress version of the LCARs interface from the USS Cerritos, seen on Star Trek: Lower Decks, which is equally amazing. You can also see their work on YouTube.

Each is worth checking out just to see how detailed, intuitive, and in-depth each is. A lot of the controls work, and you can dig down to find different types of information, views, controls, and more. You can find out a lot more about the creator here, and see some of their other projects, which are equally immersive and fascinating.

Below is a graphic guide to their immersive infographic, along with a few screenshots. Live long, and prosper.

A instructional graphic of an interactive graphic based on the USS Titan from Star Trek: PicardA screengrab of an interactive graphic based on the USS Titan from Star Trek: PicardA screengrab of an interactive graphic based on the USS Titan from Star Trek: PicardA screengrab of an interactive graphic based on the USS Titan from Star Trek: PicardA screengrab of an interactive graphic based on the USS Titan from Star Trek: Picard
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